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We would like to invite all interested parties to our exciting event at the University of Zürich. The aim of the meeting is an interdisciplinary exchange that will perhaps enable new perspectives on the materiality of ancient religion(s) in Sicily and beyond.

Apart from the presentations, we hope for fruitful discussions that will blur the boundaries of archaeology, religious studies and history and point young research in new directions. Therefore, researchers of different related research fields (whether junior or advanced) are very welcome to participate.


Join us on

Friday, 21st and Saturday, 22nd of October 2022

from 13.30 h – 20.00 h / 8.30 h – 17.15 h

at the

Universität Zürich

Institut für Archäologie

Fachbereich Klassische Archäologie

Room: RAK-E-8

Rämistrasse 73

8006 Zürich


The presentations will be held in German and English, and the discussions in English.



Please register if you would like to participate.



Unterseiten von Workshop initiated by the Group of Young Academics on Archaeological Research in Sicily