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International Group of Young Academics on Archaeological Research in Sicily

As a melting pot of different cultures, Sicily looks back on an eventful history, which is also reflected in the enormously dynamic archaeological research. To provide an informal setting to network and to discuss the own projects, the Group of Young Academics on Archaeological Research in Sicily was founded by two doctoral students at the beginning of 2021 – with great response.

The target group is primarily doctoral and master's students as well as post-docs working on ancient Sicily. The group sees itself as a platform for discussing research theses and challenges, connecting with other projects, or planning joint activities such as excursions or conferences. With their research interests, the members represent a broad range of topics, including economy and resources, sacred contexts, housing and furnishings, and object studies in a period from the Iron Age to Roman time.

After two online colloquia in March and October 2021, where the individual projects were presented and discussed, the upcoming workshop is the first event with a more specific thematic focus. Organized by members of the group, the workshop invites international experts to discuss methodological and theoretical approaches for the study of religious phenomena in ancient Sicily.

Organising Committee of the Workshop

Marcella Boglione (University of Bern, Switzerland)

Thomas Dauth (University of Innsbruck, Austria)

Agata Guirard (University of Zürich, Switzerland)

Hannah Renners (University of Kiel, Germany)

Martin Mohr (University of Zürich, Switzerland)

Eleonora Bechi (University of Zürich, Switzerland)


Do you have questions about the workshop?

Don't hesitate and contact us at


Are you a Master's, Ph.D. or Post-Doc student and is your research field ancient Sicily?

Amunì, contact us and join our group: