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Institut für Archäologie Prähistorische Archäologie

The prehistoric necropolis at Giubiasco, canton Ticino


The project investigates the archaeological heritage of the Bronze, Iron, and Roman age necropolis at Giubiasco near Bellinzona, canton Ticino, Switzerland. The site was excavated very early in the 20th century and yielded an extremely rich archaeological material, mostly preserved at the Swiss National Museum in Zurich. Major objectives of the research are the scientific analysis of the material remains, the chronology and sociology of the burial site, and aspects of long term material conservation. The project is run as a cooperation between several universities and cultural heritage institutions.


Swiss National Museum cooperation project


Dr. B. Schmid-Sikimic (Universität Zürich), Lic. phil. L. Tori (Schweizerisches Landesmuseum SLMZ), Lic. phil. L. Pernet (Université de Lausanne/SLMZ), Lic. phil. G. Vietti (Université de Lausanne), Dr. Rossana Cardani Vergani (Ufficio Beni Culturali Bellinzona)


2002 bis 2010

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Prof. Dr. Philippe Della Casa